There’s a big difference between the marine and land forecast so it’s important to check your local marine weather forecast before you head out. And never expect the weather or conditions on the water to stay the same as when you set out. Keep an eye out for unforecasted changes of clouds, wind direction and strength. Marine weather forecasts tell you what the weather is expected to do, but there’s no guarantee it won't get worse.
We've got you sorted with a range of free services to help you keep on top of the weather.
Coastguard app
Get up-to-the-minute weather reports with Coastguard Nowcasting and MetService forecasts, all in one handy app. Download our free Coastguard app today.
Coastguard VHF Radio
Coastguard's Nowcasting service is available continuously via your local Nowcasting channel. We broadcast real-time marine weather information including live observations from Automatic Weather Stations, recreational forecasts, sea areas, tides, navigation warnings and local station notices.