
Tower boat insurance

Get covered with Tower boat insurance

Grab a great deal on boat insurance with our friends from Tower - Coastguard's recommended boat insurer.

Make sure your pride and joy is covered before you hit the water with Tower's Boat Policy. They cover your boat on land, on water, in storage or on its own trailer, with a load of included and optional benefits to suit you.

Whether yours is a jet ski, tinny, yacht or gin palace, our mates at Tower can get you covered. And as an added bonus, everyone who signs up for a boat insurance policy gets $30 off one year of a Coastguard Individual Membership, whether you're a new or existing member!* 

Get yourself a quote and see what you could save. Go online or give Tower's specialist boat team a call on 0800 950 142, and tell them if you're a Coastguard member.

What to look for in your boat insurance

When you're deciding on boat insurance, there are a few things to look out for:

  • Sum insured - this is the total value of your boat. If you have a trailer, it’s important to factor that in too.
  • Liability - it’s important to check the amount of liability you are covered for if you unfortunately damage someone else’s boat or property.
  • Cover for the whole year - many claims occur off the water therefore it’s important to be covered for events like theft, fire, and malicious damage which can unfortunately happen at any time.
  • Geographical limits - this is the maximum area you are covered for from a certain point in New Zealand.

Key benefits with Tower boat insurance

  • Cover for your boat - Tower provides cover for loss that happens to your boat, on land, on water, in storage or on its own trailer.
  • Legal liability - if you accidently damage someone else’s property with your boat, Tower will cover your liability up to a total of $5 million dollars.
  • Replacement value for boats when insured with Tower from new - Tower will replace your boat with a new boat of the same make and model subject to current local availability if, as a result of a total loss that occurred within 3 years of you purchasing the boat.
  • Replacement value for the boat motor on mechanical and electrical componentry up to 5 years old - where the loss is to your boat motor and that motor is five years old or less, Tower will pay for the costs of new mechanical and electrical components up to the market value of the motor.
  • Optional Recreational equipment benefit - Tower will provide optional cover for loss to your recreational equipment while it’s on your boat or in use out on the water.

This is a summary only. For all of these benefits, please read the policy wording and cover documents to understand the terms, conditions, excesses, limits and exclusions that may apply. Click here for the boat insurance policy wording. Cover subject to current underwriting criteria.

* Coastguard membership promo code T&Cs apply.

Get a quote

If you're ready to get a quote for your boat, go online or give Tower's specialist Boat team a call on 0800 950 142, and tell them if you're a Coastguard member.

Tower are proud to support Coastguard and their lifesaving work.